If you missed the OPUS concert last Saturday night 9-26-09 presented by the newly formed non-profit CODA, a 501 (C)(3), we hope you'll have another opportunity later this season. Held at FBC Shreveport, the evening began with the I-49 Brass Quintet classics and blues and the Flute Piano Jazz ensemble. After intermission the OPUS Orchestra conducted by Kermit Poling roared into Beethoven's 5th Symphony and the acoustics in the hall captured it all. Broadcast of this concert will be aired on Public Radio KDAQ, Friday October 30th at Noon, 89.9 on your FM dial.
CODA is working with the city to bring orchestra ensembles back to the schools. If you would like to donate to help support your OPUS Orchestra musicians, and promote a variety of performances in our community, please, go to http://www.coda-nwla.org/ or email codanwla@gmail.com. Contributions are tax-deductable.
CODA is working with the city to bring orchestra ensembles back to the schools. If you would like to donate to help support your OPUS Orchestra musicians, and promote a variety of performances in our community, please, go to http://www.coda-nwla.org/ or email codanwla@gmail.com. Contributions are tax-deductable.
by sjwr - Dorothy Rivette - President of CODA
oboists Theresa and Stewart
Horn - Susan W Rogers -above 2 photos by Galina
Chan Teague
The Murrys and others waiting for the concert
Matthew Philips - clarinetist
The Liliens
The Petersons and The Webbs
Jon Hinton and Mike Scarlato
Chris Allen
stage manager IATSE Russell Lewis
Hal Rogers and Patty Murphy
The Liliens
The Saslovs
The Petersons and The Webbs
Jon Hinton and Mike Scarlato
Chris Allen
stage manager IATSE Russell Lewis
Uh, we have questions?
'cellists Eman Chalshotori, Ruth Drummond, David Jankowski
OPUS winds at rehearsal
Hmmm! Paperwork
violinists Jason and Brandon
violinist Larrie Williamson
'cellists Eman Chalshotori, Ruth Drummond, David Jankowski
OPUS winds at rehearsal
Hmmm! Paperwork
violinists Jason and Brandon
violinist Larrie Williamson
OPUS Brass section
'round the podium after the concert
after the concert and - - - - - - - pianist Judy Galetar
Jazz trio and Flute - Chris, Chan, Judy, Sally
Principal Flutist Sally Horak with the Piano Jazz Trio
Pianist Judy Galetar
Coming this week. Photos and more from the OPUS Orchestra concert held September 26, 2009 at FBC of Shreveport. "Diversity in Music" presented by CODA of NWLA, a non-profit 501 C-3.
Coming this week. Photos and more from the OPUS Orchestra concert held September 26, 2009 at FBC of Shreveport. "Diversity in Music" presented by CODA of NWLA, a non-profit 501 C-3.
Special "NOTE". Has anyone seen a review of the concert? (Added later). I don't think there was a review.
Bassist Chris Allen
This week-end
Sunday Oct 4, BAS (Baroque Artists of Shreveport) will present its opening concert of the 2009-2010 season. Trio Sonatas by Vivaldi, J.S. Bach and Telemann. Oboe Sonata and Water Music Suite #3 by Handel.
Orchestra members are Sally Horak, Theresa Bridges, Jennifer Carsillo, Angela Russell, Adrienne Gabriel, Ruth Drummond, Christopher Allen and Don Smith.
Anderson Auditorium at Hurley School of Music Centenary College 3:00 PM. FREE to the public.
Coming soon - the October concert schedule
Where is your Orchestra?
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