Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Horn players out to dinner at Copland's 5-18-2012

Judy and Bill  Causey, myself and my husband, Harold, had a chance to chat and talk old times with Buffalo 4th Horn player (now retired) Milton Kicklighter who played in the SSO with us in the late 50's and early 60's. Milton later won an audition in San Antonio and later Buffalo. Judy and I continued to play with SSO.

More on this story coming - 

3 Horn players - Susan Rogers, Milton Kicklighter, and Judy Causey - Horns4ever

At Copland's in Shreveport

Bill Causey and Harold Rogers
Bill plays trumpet and Harold used to dance ballet with SMB
Bill and Harold met on the Centenary Tennis Courts located next to my dorm, Hardin Hall. Yes, we all played tennis at one time.

Trying out horns - 2 Alexe's and 2 Conn's

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